Yash Mittal

Experience Design + Human-Computer Interaction at Carnegie Mellon University.

I love building products that help us live better lives and do our best work. I am deeply interested in exploring the intersection of design and emerging technologies.

Disclaimer: Even though I am a designer, I have trouble drawing straight lines. This says something about me, I think.


Yash Mittal 

Currently: Founding designer building AI coding tools @ Codeium

Previously: Experience Design @ Carnegie Mellon University

I love building products that help us live better lives and do our best work. I am interested in exploring the intersection of design and emerging technologies. 

Disclaimer: Even though I am a designer, I have trouble drawing straight lines. This says something about me, I think.



Accessibility & Adoption of Web3 Technology

Web3 is the most recent iteration of the internet built on blockchain technology. During this project, we dove into the UX of Web3 and conducted design research into how the average person perceives this technology. Based on this research, we redesigned one of the most popular Web3 platforms, the ETH website, to help reduce the entry barrier into the space and allow for increased accessibility and adoption of this technology.

Role: UX Researcher, Graphic design, A/B testing
Collaborators: Ricky Chen, Hannah Lesser, Shaoting Yan
Duration: 3 weeks
Tools: Figma


User Interviews and Think-Aloud Walkthroughs

We started off by conducting secondary research about the values of web3 and how they differ from web2. Next, we conducted 6 user interviews and 6 think-aloud walkthroughs regarding the UX of Web3 and why people like/dislike it. We interviewed different people with varying knowledge about Web3, ranging from novices to experts. The script for the interviews differed depending on the knowledge level of the interviewee. 

We then created an affinity diagram from our findings which helped us recognize patterns in our research. The different colored sticky notes correspond to information obtained from people with different levels of knowledge about Web3. Based on this research, we were able to define the scope of the problem regarding the UX of Web3 platforms. 


Web3 platforms are complex and difficult to navigate, thereby increasing the learning curve for beginners in this space

Most interviewees mentioned that web3 platforms have a lot of jargon like No-loss lotteries, Stablecoin etc, and this can be intimidating to somebody who is new to this space. The presentation of content on these platforms is not user-friendly and usually lacks visual hierarchy, making it harder for new users to get a clear understanding of the workings of this technology and how it can be beneficial for them. After defining the scope of the problem, we developed a research question.


How might we increase accessibility and adoption of Web3 Technology within the broader population?

We broke down this research question into 3 different categories which outline the themes present in this question like the safety of Web3, its benefit to people, and the lack of intuitive usage. Afterwards, we defined research methods like A/B testing and Website Heatmap within the scope of the research question that would help us tackle these problems. 


We found 2 main insights into the issue of UX of Web3 platforms

We analyzed our research and came up with 2 insights regarding the user experience of Web3 platforms. We then broke these insights into different reasons that led to this consumer perceptions about Web3.

Throughout our two novice web3 user interviews, the high entry barriers to the web3 space was a consistent trend - people want to get into this space but there are no simple ways of learning about it. As an example, in our think aloud testing, an interviewee mentioned they thought that learning about web3 is boring, because lots of the glossary is unknown and they can not get into it. 


During our expert web3 interview, one of the points that stood out was that “web3 is technology looking for a problem to solve”. This technology is so new and complex that people do not know its true potential and the impact it can have in our lives. 


Based on these insights, we developed design guidelines for different parties that might engage with Web3 platforms on a regular basis.



We redesigned the landing page of the official ETH website and added features to improve the UX of a novice in the Web3 space


Next steps for research on Web3 UX

At the end of this project, we had some unanswered questions regarding Web3 that can be used to guide further research into this space. Here are a few of those questions:

  • Do the implications outweight the benefits?
  • How long will mainstream adoption of Web3 take?
  • How can we reach true decentralization in a deeply centralized world?

With these questions in mind, we developed the next steps for research that we would have implemented if we had more time:

1. Using day-in-the-life methods like diary study to understand where can Web3 technology step in to have real life applications.  

2. Study the learning models of other content areas that are complicated to see what they are doing. This would be helpful in designing the learning and onboarding model for Web3.