Yash Mittal

Experience Design + Human-Computer Interaction at Carnegie Mellon University.

I love building products that help us live better lives and do our best work. I am deeply interested in exploring the intersection of design and emerging technologies.

Disclaimer: Even though I am a designer, I have trouble drawing straight lines. This says something about me, I think.


Yash Mittal 

Experience Design + Human-Computer Interaction @ Carnegie Mellon University

I love building products that help us live better lives and do our best work. I am deeply interested in exploring the intersection of design and emerging technologies. 

Disclaimer: Even though I am a designer, I have trouble drawing straight lines. This says something about me, I think.



Present Perfect

I saw a trend︎︎︎ on Twitter where people give GPT-4 a budget of X dollars and ask it to come up with a business idea and the steps to execute this said idea with the goal of making as much money possible. For this project, I slightly modified this trend and told chatGPT that we will be joining a No-Code event and we will be building an AI-related business idea with a budget of $50 in 2 weeks. 

Present Perfect is an exploration of how we can use AI to assist us with building products from start to finish. 

Collaborators: ChatGPT
Duration: 2 weeks
Budget: $50 
Tools: Bubble, GPT-4 API, Figma

View live site︎︎︎ (May not scale properly on mobile)


After several rounds of discussion with ChatGPT, I decided to go with an AI-assisted personalized gift ideas generator that can generate DIY gift ideas 🎁

A lot of people suck at gift giving (including me). Present Perfect’s DIY gift idea feature allows people to add a more personalised and meaningful touch to the act of gift-giving.

How this app works:
    ︎︎︎ You put in details about the recepient of the gift (age, relationship, interests etc.)
   ︎︎︎ The app provides you with unique gift ideas that can be in the ‘DIY Gift’ or ‘Buy Gift’ category, making Present Perfect a unique product since DIY gift idea generators don’t really exist currently. 


I started off with quickly sketching a sitemap for the web app to understand what the overarching user experience should look like. 


These sketches helped me outline the sitemap to a visual format, which gave me a sense of what the UI would look like and how it would help the User Experience.

Next, I converted these sketches into low-fi wireframes in Figma to get a grasp of the main elements that I need to design in Bubble.


I used Bubble, a no-code platform, to create the front-end and the GPT-4 API for the back-end.

This was by far the hardest part of this project by far! ChatGPT was a huge help when it came to figuring out the nuances of Bubble and how to make the user flow function properly. I used ChatGPT to write custom HTML/CSS scripts for different components and functions as well. 

Below is an examples where AI was able to save me time during the product build: 


The purpose of this low-fidelity MVP was to ensure that this tools functions as intended. It needs a lot of UX and visual design modification to be appropriate for shipping.  


Building a product from start to finish as a designer is a lot more feasible now than ever, thanks to no-code and AI tools. But.. there’s still a lot of work that needs to be done.  

I had a great time learning about how to convert a prototype into a fully functioning site and even though it was super frustrating at times when Bubble wouldn’t execute the exact gradient I want or the exact button distancing, I did get a glimpse of a front-end engineer’s life.

I also had a lot of fun working with GPT-4 as my business partner; it did mislead me some of the times so I always had to double check everything it told me. This project has inspired me to learn more code and become more independent as a designer.